Though the major parties insist that the 2020 Presidential election will be the most important election of our lifetime, many Minnesotans refuse to accept this repeated lie and showed up to vote at the Libertarian Party caucus on Tuesday, February 25th, 2020. The LPMN does not have a virtual, absentee, or early voting process, therefore every vote was cast in person.

Each of Minnesota’s eight Congressional districts conducted their own gathering for a ranked choice vote of 17 Libertarian candidates to be the LP Nominee for President (including None Of The Above). The individual and cumulative winners are as follows:

CD 1 – Jacob Hornberger
CD 2 – Jo Jorgensen tie Jacob Hornberger
CD 3 – Jacob Hornberger
CD 4 – Jo Jorgensen
CD 5 – Jacob Hornberger
CD 6 – Jacob Hornberger
CD 7 – Vermin Supreme
CD 8 – Lincoln Chafee

After tallying all 98 votes accumulated statewide, the winner was Jacob Hornberger in Round 7, followed by Jo Jorgenson, and then Vermin Supreme to round out the top three.

Political Director for The Libertarian Party of Minnesota Jill Galvan said, “It’s been a really exciting time for the party. Getting the word out about the unfairness of the ballot access laws here in Minnesota has really brought attention to our cause and spurred people to come out and vote for an alternative here tonight.”

LPMN Chair Chris Holbrook added, “Despite the struggles Minnesota now faces to turn people out to caucus due to switching to a super Tuesday primary, we thank all of our conveners and attendees. After seeing empty rooms or none attempted for other political parties in this state, we are proud to be active Libertarians.”